Sunday, December 7, 2008

Jahi Nesmith

Jahi Nesmith, a young annointed drummer and actor. The kid is amazing. He's full of lots of great character. At the age of 6 months the family noticed that he had a love for music. He would sit in his daddy's lap and bouce while his Pop-pop played the organ. He would always cry for someone to put him on the organ bench so he could play the keys. His little fingers were just moving all over the keys. He actually took his first steps to walk trying to get to the organ. At the age of one, he showed interest in other instuments like the guitar and the drums. Jahi would play beats on his homemade drums which was made up of his toy collection. A toy piano, a doll house and blown up plastic pillow. Jahi also appeared in a play and a few short films and cable television shows.

My Trip to Hollywood I had a chance to perform at a Talent Showcase in Hollywood, California. This was my first time ever to fly on an airplane. It was fun! I meet alot of characters on the Walk of Fame, like Miheal Jackson, Sponge Bob & Spiderman who of course is my favorite. I hung out with other talented youth. We toured Hollywood, performed in a talent showcase, and had a limo ride to the NAACP Image Awards. Pre-New Year's Eve Celebration 2008 (Age 4) I had a chance to play at church. Of course I was too small to reach the drums, so I had a little help. Behind the scenes of the Dr.Faye Show (Age 4) I made my debute on the Dr. Faye cable television show. Performance on "Dr.Faye" Show
My First Music Video (Age 1) I Love Drums! Drums! Drums! Jahi's Performance at Alex's Lemonade Stand
Jahi appears in "Casting Call" Film Jahi appears in "Shanagins"Film